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How to make 1N and 1M H2SO4 ?

Now let's see how to make 1 N and 1M  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4 . This calculation varies with concentration of H2SO4. Because density varies with concentration of H2SO4 . Now we are having density 1.84 for 98% concentrated H2SO4.  If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then first find out density of it then put that value in below formula instead of 1.84 H2SO4 is liquid, so at first we need to convert H2SO4 molecular weight (gm) into volume (ml) let's use formula density = mass / volume volume = mass of HCl  / density                             98.08 / 1.84 V = 53.30 ml Here we are making 1M and 1N  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4. If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then use that percentage value in below formula rather than 98%. Let's use formula  1M H2SO4 (98%) =  53.30 ml [ V ]                100%    ...

Benefits of bananas for human health

 The potassium contained in bananas protects your muscles from cramps, and the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy workout. It's hard to believe but the energy you get by eating two bananas is enough for a 90-minute workout!

    Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and natural sugar such as sucrose and fructose. On average, one banana contains around 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin B6. This helps your body produce insulin, hemoglobin, and amino acids that are needed for the creation of healthy cells.

   Bananas are easily digested and don't irritate the gastro-intestinal tract. Resistant starch contained in bananas is not digested and ends up in the large intestine where it serves as an effective nutritional medium for healthy bacteria.

   Bananas contain a lot of iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Increasing the red blood cells improves blood flow in your body. - On average, each banana contains around 27 mg of magnesium. Magnesium helps your heart, muscles, and immune system function properly.

   The average diet in Western culture delivers too much sodium and too little potassium. In turn, bananas contain very little sodium, but a lot of potassium, which is great for your heart health.

   Bananas are rich in fiber, which makes you no longer want to eat once consumed. Bananas also contain a kind of starch that reduces your appetite and stops you gaining weight. It reduces the level of sugar in your blood and raises your body's sensitivity to insulin.


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