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How to make 1N and 1M H2SO4 ?

Now let's see how to make 1 N and 1M  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4 . This calculation varies with concentration of H2SO4. Because density varies with concentration of H2SO4 . Now we are having density 1.84 for 98% concentrated H2SO4.  If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then first find out density of it then put that value in below formula instead of 1.84 H2SO4 is liquid, so at first we need to convert H2SO4 molecular weight (gm) into volume (ml) let's use formula density = mass / volume volume = mass of HCl  / density                             98.08 / 1.84 V = 53.30 ml Here we are making 1M and 1N  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4. If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then use that percentage value in below formula rather than 98%. Let's use formula  1M H2SO4 (98%) =  53.30 ml [ V ]                100%    ...

Omicron new variant of covid-19.

 After alpha , beta, gamma, and delta plus variant of covid-19 the new variant of covid-19 omicron has came in market and has already started to spread all over the world. 

Origin of omicron:

  According to recent information County Botswana of the South Africa was place place where first case of omicron found. But it's not true actually south Africa was the one who informed all world about new variant omicron. That was south africa goodness. 

After all this time, now know we know where omicron really came from.

Now Netherland, Belgium and Germany revealed that omicron was already present in our country's before south Africa. According to Netherlands on November 19th they took some samples from Corona affected people and that's when they realized there is new variant of covid-19 and now they have announced lockdown in Netherland. In Netherland theaters, Bar, restaurants, will be close after 5 o.clock .

That's mean omicron didn't spread from south Africa rather it's spread from uropian country's. 

Now south Africa is asking questions to uropian country's that although south Africa is not origin of omicron, government of uropian country's have impose restrictions on south Africa for transportation and traveller's. Because of that financial condition of south Africa is getting worst. 

government of UK has decided to restrict traveller's from African countries in UK,  and US government as well, expect Americans traveller's from Africa.

omicron originated from uropian country's even though they didn't informed to W.H.O about this new variant. Still.W.H.O. is not taking action against this uropian country's.  From this case we can understand discrimination between country's by W.H.O.

Vaccines which  already are available in market are efficient against omicron .

Vaccines available in market are vector based vaccines it including American - Pfizer, Moderna, Briton - astrazeneca's,  Russia- sputnik v. Vaccines improve our immune system to recognize that spike protein.  Whenever that spike proteins enters in our body,  immune system starts to fight against it. This all vaccines attacks on spikes proteins of viruses and make them inefficient. But in case of omicron there are 50 mutations and out 50 mutations 32 mutations have been seen on surface of spike protein. Just because of that mutations ability, all vector based vaccines are going to be useless or less efficient against omicron. 

But good thing is, it doesn't take too much time to change structure of vaccines means in upcoming few months efficient vaccines against omicron is going to come. and one more important thing is delta plus variant was sometimes difficult to detect in RTPCR test but omicron is detectable. 

Big announcement by American company Moderna.

American company Moderna has announced that its vaccines Moderna may be  inefficient against new variant omicron but also have announced that they are going bring new efficient vaccine against omicron until 2022. After this announcement whole world is in panic mode.  But this is the world first company who made such announcement without thinking about company's reputation. So head's off for Moderna. 

Affected country's by omicron 

According to recent information there are 22 country's have been affected by omicron. And there are 170 or may be more cases are available throughout the world. We can't be sure about no. of cases because it's all depend on testing speed. According to researchers of Italy omicron is 7% more transmissible than delta plus variant. 

  1.  Austria 
  2.  Canada 
  3.  Belgium  
  4.  uk
  5.  Sweden 
  6.  Denmark 
  7.  Germany 
  8.  Check republic 
  9.  Portugal 
  10.  Spain 
  11.   Italy 
  12.  Japan 
  13.  France 
  14.  Switzerland 
  15.  Netherland
  16.  Israel 
  17.  Saudi Arab 
  18.  Hong Kong 
  19.  naisiriya 
  20.  Botswana 
  21.  Australia 
  22.  south Africa 

Symptoms of omicron 

  1. Muscles pain 
  2. Extreme Weaknesses 
  3. Cold
  4. High pulse 
  5. Dry Cough
  6. Scratchy throat 
  7. mild muscle ache
  8. High body temperature 

This are some symptoms of omicron. 

How can we stop spreading omicron 

  1.   Avoid crowd .( keep social distancing )
  2.   If can't avoid crowd then  Always wear mask in crowd.
  3.    Never compromise with little health issues directly visit to doctor 
  4. Never compromise with food ( always take nutritious food )
  5. Exercise everyday. 
  6. Take good nap.
  7. To take extra care read my below blogs





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