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How to make 1N and 1M H2SO4 ?

Now let's see how to make 1 N and 1M  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4 . This calculation varies with concentration of H2SO4. Because density varies with concentration of H2SO4 . Now we are having density 1.84 for 98% concentrated H2SO4.  If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then first find out density of it then put that value in below formula instead of 1.84 H2SO4 is liquid, so at first we need to convert H2SO4 molecular weight (gm) into volume (ml) let's use formula density = mass / volume volume = mass of HCl  / density                             98.08 / 1.84 V = 53.30 ml Here we are making 1M and 1N  H2SO4 from 98% concentrated H2SO4. If you are going to use less concentrated H2SO4 then use that percentage value in below formula rather than 98%. Let's use formula  1M H2SO4 (98%) =  53.30 ml [ V ]                100%    ...
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How do you prepare 1M or 1N hcl ?

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Importance of vitamins and their sources

 Vitamins are micronutrients which help perform important functions in our body. The most essential vitamins needed by our body are vitamin A, C, D, E, K and a group of B-complex vitamins. Vitamin A is required to make a pigment called Rhodopsin in our eyes. Rhodopsin helps us to see in low light conditions. Thus, without vitamin A, rhodopsin won't be produced, causing night-blindness. Source of vitamin A : yellow, red and green (leafy) vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes and red peppers. yellow fruit, such as mango, papaya and apricots. Vitamin C and E are antioxidants. Unstable free radicals damage our cell's DNA, leading to illness or cancer. Vitamin C and E neutralize the free radicals, preventing cell damage. Source of vitamin C and E : Citrus Fruits. Raw citrus fruits are very high in vitamin C.... • Broccoli.... • Red Cabbage.... • Kiwi.... • Bell Peppers. Vitamin D helps our body to  absorb calcium to build strong bones. Thus, lack of vitamin D can ...

Why we blush ?

    Why do we blush ? When we are embarrassed, ashamed or shy, we blush. Blushing is governed by our sympathetic nervous system. Its functioning is not under our control I cannot control my own sympathetic nervous system? Absolutely. Now, when we are ashamed or shy, it causes us immediate stress. When something causes immediate stress, our sympathetic nervous system considers it as a threat. To defend the threat, this system orders our adrenal glands to release a hormone called  adrenaline . Adrenaline speeds up our breathing rate.  It expands the blood vessels so that more blood and oxygen can be reached to our body parts, thus preparing our body for fight or flight. Now, as the blood vessels on our face are very close to our skin surface, they make our face appear red, that is, we blush.

How does Water get inside a Coconut and its benifits.

 How does Water get inside a Coconut? by a process called osmosis. Over a period of time this creamy tissue turns hard and the remaining endosperm ends up as coconut water. So this is how water ends up inside a coconut. Image of coconut plant   Firstly, roots of the coconut plant absorb water from the soil. This water is then transported to different parts of the coconut plant, some of it reaches the coconut. The liquid which eventually reaches the coconut is referred to as the endosperm. This endosperm acts as the food or nourishment for the coconut's growth. Now, a part of the endosperm gets converted into a creamy tissue and gets deposited on the coconuts inner surface. Coconut 🥥 🌴 water is so much nutritional for human body . We should drink at list one Coconut for weak and you will see a lot of improvement in body. Like 1 )  it boost our energy  2)  reduces blood pressure  3)  reduce dibities  6)  keeps our body hydrated  5) detox...

why people get heart attack ?

 A heart attack or myocardial infarction is the complete blockage of blood flow to a part of the heart, causing its muscle cells to die. Image of complete blockage of blood flow A network of blood vessels called coronary arteries continuously supply oxygenated blood to muscle cells of heart to keep them working properly. Coronary Arteries of the Heart However, due to bad lifestyle choices and stress, Image of stress  cholesterol and fats start building in these arteries reducing blood flow to the muscle cells. This buildup is called plaque. Plaque is the main culprit behind most heart attacks. Image of heart attack  When plaque ruptures, a blood clot forms around it causing the artery to get completely blocked. The blood then cannot pass further to that part of the heart. Thus, due to lack of oxygen, the muscle cells in that part die. This condition is called a heart attack.

Why is excess sugar dangerous for humans health ?

   If we consume a lot of sugar, then it can lead to serious health problems. For example: Image of sugar  A hormone called leptin tells our brain when to stop eating. However, consuming excess fructose which is a type of sugar can cause leptin resistance, a condition in which our brain does not respond to leptin. Hence, we overeat, resulting in obesity. Moreover, excess sugar is converted into a type of fat called triglycerides. Triglycerides can enter the bloodstream and form fatty deposits or plaques in blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke etc.  Image of heart attack  Excess sugar can even bind to collagen and elastin in our skin, damaging them and thus, making our skin saggy and wrinkly. Image of saggy and wrinkly skin .   Studies have also shown that women who have one or more sugary drinks per day are more likely to develop diabetes. Image of sugary drink. That's why  we need to stop consuming excess  sugar than...

Why cut onions makes us cry ?

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How are pearls formed naturally ?

        How pearls formed ?   Pearls are the result of a biological process within living sea creatures like an  oyster  as it protects itself from foreign substances. Image of pearls                 An oyster has two shells. Inside the shells, there is an organ called  mantle . Mantle covers and protects all the internal organs of the oyster. Image of pearls                     Whenever any foreign substance like a grain of sand or a parasite makes its way into the oyster and gets stuck in between the shell and mantle, the mantle's natural reaction is to cover that foreign substance to protect the oyster's internal organs. For this, the mantle secretes a mineral called  nacre  around the foreign substance in layers. Over time, layer upon layer of nacre leads to the formation of a pearl.

Why water looks like it has no color ?

  Everybody think water has no colour. then  why sea water looks blue. Because water has colour.    Glass of water  When we see glass of water then we can't see  the colour of water.          DOU YOU KNOW WHY ?               We all know range of visible region is  400 - 750 nm. We can see that region through our eyes.            Lets come to the point. Glass can contain very less amount of water. Water absorbe all long wavelength means red, orange, yellow colours and reflect short wavelengths means violet,  blue colours. But That reflection and  absorption of colours is very less in amount means almost negligible reflection occurs. That reflection can't be captured by our eyes. That is why water look transparent in a glass instead of  blue.          Image of sea water    But in case of lakes, sea, water l...

Why is the sky blue colored ?

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Benefits of cold and hot showers ?

  Let's have a look at the advantages of cold showers: Cold shower Firstly , as we are warm-blooded, the sudden sensation of cold water awakens our body, thus making us feel fresh and alert.  Secondly , many scientists believe that when our body suddenly comes in contact with cold water, it sends a jolt of electrical impulses to our brain, helping boost our mood in the process.  Lastly , cold showers may contribute to weight loss as our body might burn more fat to generate heat. Hot showers have the following advantages:            Hot shower Firstly , scientists believe that hot showers lead to the release a hormone called oxytocin, easing anxiety and stress.  Secondly , as hot showers can help clear the nasal passage, they might be beneficial for a person suffering from cold.  Thirdly , hot water can help release tension and stiffness in our muscles.  Lastly , hot water can kill bacteria, thus preventing infections.

Why dry ice is dangerous?

   Dry ice is basically solid carbon dioxide and it's  chemical formula  is  CO ₂. The surface temperature of a dry ice block is about  -78 degrees Celsius or -109 degrees Fahrenheit.  This means it is much cooler than ordinary ice which is made up of water. If dry ice comes in contact with our skin, our cells begin to freeze and  die  within seconds, thus giving us severe frostbite. In addition to this, storing dry ice in airtight containers can be  dangerous . Do you know why? This is because dry ice sublimates, i.e., it directly gets converted from solid state to gaseous state. Hence, in airtight containers, the gas produced can build up and exert pressure on the walls of container which can lead to a dangerous explosion. Dry ice is dangerous but it is also useful as cooling agent and to create dramatic scenes in theater by using fog machines . 

Why sleeping under the tree at night is dangerous ?

Please don't sleep under tree at night.  It is quite harmful.      See, during night you are not able to breathe properly, right? Do you know why? This is because during the day, in the presence of sunlight, plants takes in carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the process of photosynthesis. That is why production of oxygen is more than the production of  carbon dioxide during daytime.  Hence, if we sleep under a tree during daytime, we may get a  good amount of oxygen, thus giving us a nice sleep. However, at night, plants do not perform photosynthesis due to the absence of sunlight.  But respiration still goes on.  Hence, as compared to oxygen, the proportion of carbon  dioxide around the trees is more. Thus, if we sleep under a tree at night, we may feel suffocated due to lack of oxygen. Moreover, inhalation of excess carbon dioxide is harmful to  human beings. Therefore, it is not good to sleep under a tree at night.

Omicron new variant of covid-19.

 After  alpha , beta, gamma , and  delta plus  variant of covid-19 the new variant of covid-19  omicron  has came in market and has already started to spread all over the world.  Origin of omicron :   According to recent information County  Botswana  of the South Africa was place place where first case of omicron found. But it's not true actually south Africa was the one who informed all world about new variant omicron. That was south africa goodness.  After all this time, now know we know where omicron really came from. Now Netherland, Belgium and Germany revealed that omicron was already present in our country's before south Africa. According to Netherlands on November 19th they took some samples from Corona affected people and that's when they realized there is new variant of covid-19 and now they have announced  lockdown  in Netherland. In Netherland theaters, Bar, restaurants, will be close after 5 o.clock . That's me...

Why our teeths get yellow ?

 Our teeth basically consist of three parts. The outermost part is enamel. Enamel is white in color. Beneath the enamel, there is dentine. It is yellow in color. Then comes the part called pulp, which has blood vessels and nerves. Now, when we drink or eat acidic fruits and beverages like lemon, orange juice, soft drinks, etc., they erode or wear away the outermost part called enamel and start exposing the yellow color dentine and thus, making teeth appear yellow. However, did you know that some people's teeth are naturally yellowish? This is because in such people, the layer of enamel is thin, causing the yellow color of the dentine to appear more clearly and thus, making their teeth appear naturally yellow.

Why Birds don't get Electrocuted on Power Cables?

        E lectricity is the flow of electrons through conductors. It always takes the easiest route, i.e., electricity always flows through a path of least resistance.      electricity flows are made of copper. Copper offers least resistance and is a very good conductor of electricity. However, the bird's body offers greater resistance and is not a good conductor as copper. Hence, electricity ignores the bird and flows through the cables and birds don't get electrocuted.      B esides this, electricity flows from its highest potential to its lowest potential. Now, the power cables usually run at different potentials. If bird's feet are on the same power cable, then they are at same potential. Thus, the bird doesn't get electrocuted. However, when the bird touches two cables with different potentials at the same time, then electricity will flow through the bird to go to the other cable with lower potential and the bird will get electrocut...

Reasons behind kidney stones

       O ur kidneys filter blood by removing waste from it in the form of urine .         U rine consists of water, urea, uric acid and ions like calcium,  sodium, oxalate and    potassium.             H owever, when some of these constituents such as uric acid, calcium and oxalate ions increase in the urine, they create  bonds amongst themselves and that's how kidney stones get formed .      O ne of the most common kidney stones is calcium oxalate.  Generally, the kidney stones are small.      H ence, they pass unnoticed through the urinary tract. However, sometimes these stones become so big that they start to scratch walls of the urinary tract and may block the path of the urine, thus causing immense pain.  Sometime it causes death. So please do not take kidney stones lightly.   

Benefits of bananas for human health

 The potassium contained in bananas protects your muscles from cramps, and the carbohydrates provide you with enough energy to endure a heavy workout. It's hard to believe but the energy you get by eating two bananas is enough for a 90-minute workout!     Bananas are rich in nutrients, vitamins, and natural sugar such as sucrose and fructose. On average, one banana contains around 20% of your daily requirement of vitamin B6. This helps your body produce insulin, hemoglobin, and amino acids that are needed for the creation of healthy cells.    Bananas are easily digested and don't irritate the gastro-intestinal tract. Resistant starch contained in bananas is not digested and ends up in the large intestine where it serves as an effective nutritional medium for healthy bacteria.    Bananas contain a lot of iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Increasing the red blood cells improves blood flow in your body. - On average, each banana co...

Benefits of almonds

                A ccording to a recent study, almonds reduce hunger and desire to eat later in the day, so eating almonds is an easy way to reduce your overall calorie intake! - Almonds are the source of many nutrients that help in the development of the brain. Almonds contain amino acids and oils, which help your brain maintain concentration. Being one of the most powerful antioxidants;   almonds prevent the cells of your body against premature aging. A recent study has shown that those who consume almonds five times a week have a 50% less chance to get a heart attack. -Almonds are a source of calcium, which prevents osteoporosis and strengthens your bones, teeth, and muscles. Also, these nuts contain magnesium and potassium, which are essential for healthy bones as well. - Almonds are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and some polyunsaturated fats that help reduce bad cholesterol. In case you are pregnant, you should eat a fe...

Benefits of Cashews for human health

  Controls Blood Sugar Levels :   Cashews are rich in proteins and healthy monounsaturated fats which don't spike up your blood sugar levels. They are a good snacking option for diabetics. Being low on the glycemic index, they do not raise your insulin level. Boosts Heart Health :    Multiple studies have proved that cashews are full of nutrients like protein, antioxidants, fiber, heart-protective characteristics. vitamins, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids. These help in providing anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and Stronger Immunity : In addition to containing high amounts of copper, cashews are a great source of zinc. Failing to get enough zinc compromises your immune system functioning. That's why cashews would be helpful In this covid-19 period to boost our Immunity . Protects Eyes :     With so much pollution around, your eyes often suffer from various infections, Cashews contain a powerful antioxidant pigment called Zeaxanthin. Th...